Thursday, November 8, 2012



perfect ! I'm so excited ! You guys are doing such good job !

Toronto ONT / Oct 2012

Thanks Jeff.  I'm super happy with decision to use your services. Well worth the investment.
I wish I had hired Smiledog sooner.  I've been so understaffed and overwhelmed.  I also had an emergency on Friday night that would have been a total disaster if  Christie hadn't answered the call for me.  THAT call in itself paid for my entire month!  I can also relax a little more on my days off knowing that there are no urgent voice mails on my machine.
Rachel Dodds   Halifax NS / Oct 2012

Thanks everyone. Keep up the great work. Clients are very impressed!!
Michael Sams President IT SAFEPLACE  St Catherines ONT / Oct 2012

Love you guys, You Rock! Your Awesome!
I am so happy with your service!
Toni / Oct 2012

I am once again counting on you ladies to hold down the fort.  I love Smiledog—Thank you for taking care of me!  And my clients!  If I could just get you ladies to work the laser- I’d be all set!
Carrie / Kentville NS / Oct 2012

Thanks for the wonderful service!!
Karen & Michael GTFO / Oct 2012

I am THRILLED with your service... just wanted to give
you a little feedback.

Mike Sangster / Health Skills NS    


            Jeff and the Smilegals / Fond farewell message from the "Tanyanator"

After 3+ years and THOUSANDS of phone calls, its time for my farewell. I never really was good at good byes, so I hope this not to be an actual goodbye, but rather a "see you later". The past 3+ years have been pretty amazing and I take with me some very special memories, big life lessons, and a whole lot of laughs.

When I first started, Smiledog consisted of just 3 day time girls, and two girls splitting the night and evening shifts. Open 7 days a week, 365 days a year. I remember I worked my birthday my first year, which happened to fall on Labour Day, and thus a holiday. I thought that was a great idea. Until I realized just how lonely I was. Sang a little happy birthday to myself. It was pretty pathetic. And the shifts were til 1am! I don't know how many slices of pizza and donair burgers I bought just to keep myself going until 1am. And then go home, and be as alert as ever. I know Lois and Debi can agree to that. So many times each one of us considered just sleeping at the office rather than taking the time to drive home. So many white knuckled drives home after shifts during a snow storm, or, after a power outage. Remember that time we sat outside the Fall River office in my car and just chatted and smoked cigarettes.  Or the 12/13 hour shifts on the rotating schedule. No time off, tons of time off, no time off, tons of time off. No wonder we smoked ;)

The office grew and grew. Remember when we got so big we had to set up the little desk for Christina basically sitting on the window? And she made friends with the lady who walked her dogs?

Remember how the back computer was the only computer we could access remote clients computers? And it was usually Brittany, Jenn, or myself who HAPPENED to be sat there.
There were the clients we loved to talk to. And then there were the ones that we reallllllly could live without. Remember how we weren't allowed to say hi to a certain client or ask how he was? Or the crazy greetings? "Hello! Its an outstanding day at, my name is Tanya, how can I assist you?!" "Good afternoon, ??? Group, home of the" I still can't say certain greetings without without at least taking a huge breathe before hand.

Staff came and went. Some staff we managed to hang on to, others slipped out of our reach, and others we weren't entirely sure what Jeff was thinking. ... I won't mention any names. But remember the time we had to lock the door over in Fall River?...

I've made some really close friends from Smiledog. Whether its current staff, past staff, or actual clients.
I've taken so much from my friendship with each of you. We've all squared off, puffed out our chest and had a little 'Screw You', but in the end, you guys are the best.

Brittany: I'll never forget your first shift with me. New Moon opening, and holy crap was our largest client busy. You did exactly what I needed to do, and didn't even bat an eye "Just pick em up and say hello" I yelled at you as both of our screens were full. Or how we made you come back after that crisis and get Smiledog back up and running. And you couldn't get out of the backup database? My training you was standing behind you pointing at what information to get. Thus was the beginning of Brittanya.

Debi: I remember when you first started thinking to myself "Deidre's MOM is going to work here? Oh Lord..." I didn't know if I should expect a spunky older version of Deidre that I was to fear, or someone that reminded me of my grandma that couldn't work the computer. Low and behold, you're both! lol. I don't know how many times you and I were laughing so hard we were crying. That call when each time you spoke, the fog horn went off? Or the person who lost his wallet, and you were SURE it was a prank call? Or how you would toy with the spam callers ("My screen went black!") You'll always be the Mama dog (or Mrs Clause at Christmas) to me.

Christie: When I came back from Vegas, and you were there, I felt so bad I hadn't bought you a fridge magnet like I'd bought for everyone else. I remember telling the girls and Jeff that you don't even have to answer the phones, just keep telling your jokes, and that'll be fine with me. I've never met someone who had the exact same sense of humor (and the same horrible hearing) as me. And I've NEVER met someone who could calm down a peeved off client like you do. And you always get the crazies, don't ya? We have so many stupid insider jokes that came out of nothing (well, mostly my lack of hearing). You'll keep me laughing even when I'm not there.

Amy: "Shut the front door!" I couldn't count how many times you said that in your first week. You came into Smiledog running a mile a minute, and never slowed down. I laughed so hard when Brent from Balance said you sounded like a puppy you can't leave alone for fear it'll pee on the floor, cuz its true. Not that we're concerned about your bladder control ;) but you definitely were (and still are) the Smiledog puppy in my mind. Keep running! ...and stop posting sweets on my Pinterest feed! :)

Tarah: I remember Brittany and I chatting about 'the new girl' when you first started, and we were both so concerned about how quiet you were! You never talked, or joined in the conversation. Or if you did, you were so quiet, one of us was bound to talk over you. I was so scared we were gonna run you over, and you'd leave as quick as you came. But you stood your ground and came out of your shell and really rounded off all of us loud, boisterous girls. You just keep surprising me :)

Lois: Lois, lois, lois. Sometimes I just shake my head at the time we've spent together. You came around just after I started and always put a smile on my face. You were the one I could truly reminisce with about the OLD days, and you and I were the original people to get Tim from Surrey BC asking for those friggin magazines. Oh. My. Lord. I'm shaking my head right now! lol. I'll never forget the prank Loman pulled on me. Or just how much we loved scaring the crap out of ourselves with TAPS and Paranormal Activity. I'm happy you're back.
And Brandie and Quintela: Its a shame we didn't get to work together more, but I know you'll love your time at Smiledog. The girls are amazing and will help you with anything you need. And Jeff and Joan will do anything for you. The team truly is the best.

Jeff and Joan: I find it hard to come up with the words to express what you guys mean to me. I felt I've grown in the past 3 years because of you two. We've both had talks together and I truly appreciate that. And everything you two have done for me over the years - it hasn't gone un-noticed. Smiledog truly is an AMAZING idea, and it still blows my mind how it makes the job easier for SO many clients. Kudos Jeff, on coming up with this. And Joan, how you manage to keep him organized, we'll never know. We all secretly assume he created a reception business, so that he actually had multiple personal assistants making sure he had everything when he left for the day. Keys? Wallet? Phone? While you two are the same age as my parents, and you have daughter older than I am, I consider you friends.

I want to thank everyone for the get together today, and the card. And the kind words, and everything. Christie, thank you for the food and brownies (and flower and Smiles). And thank Patrick for me as well. One thing I'm definitely going to miss is the camaraderie, and the sense of being a team.

I don't think I'll ever be able to say I'm an ex-Smiledog. I consider myself a Smilegal emeritus (definition: retired or honorable discharged from full time work, but retaining one's title on an honorary basis).

I look forward to keeping in touch with all of you, hearing the latest on our clients, or getting projects Jeff.

See you later
"The Tanyanator"

Thursday, August 2, 2012


                                           THE "TANYANATOR" WILL BE MISSED!!!

Joan and I would like to send out a great big "Thank You" to Tanya for all the hard work and contribution she made while she worked at Smiledog. Tanya worked every shift and was a master at everything. She even created the Tanya Bible on how we should do things. Tanya was our go to person on every project and as a result earned the nickname  "Tanyanator" As she devoured projects faster than everyone.
Tanya! you will be missed and we wish you all the best in your new adventure.
                                        "Thanks so much for being a great SmileGal."

Wednesday, August 1, 2012


                             MAY JUNE JULY 2012 

I am impressed with your service - quick to set up, great ladies on the phones.
I have been referring you to a couple of other consultants that I deal with already!
Thanks Jim
Jim Wilson / President Wilson Executive Search / CareerWorx /Halifax

Thanks Christie
Makes sense to me :)
You girls are super awesome. I appreciate everything you have done for me. :)
Coastal Massage Halifax

Wow your efficient, thanks so much. This is the part of business I hate so I really appreciate your help!
Counseling Office Edmonton Alberta

I just wanted to send along a quick note.
Great comments back from our guests yesterday on all of the Smile Dog help.
Thanks so much!! Sue
Susan Oland, Director, Marketing and Interactive│ Empire Theatres Limited

LinkedIn Recommendations
Nicholas Madore has endorsed your work as Owner at Smiledog "Your Receptionist".
Dear Jeff,
I've written this recommendation of your work to share with other LinkedIn users.
Details of the Recommendation: "Jeff and his team provides excellent reception services for my businesses. They are always pleasant taking calls, speedy at forwarding messages to me and my staff, great at screening calls and always contact me directly when an urgent call comes through that needs immediate attention. I would definitely recommend Smiledog to anyone."
Service Category: Remote Reception Services
Year first hired: 2010
Top Qualities: Great Results, Personable, Good Value
Nicholas Madore / MVS Shipping Ltd.

Hi Jeff,
Christine at your company is exceptional and when we had a complaint from a regular client she handled it perfectly so that we retained her business Just wanted to let you know about the great job she is doing and that I really appreciate it
Thanks.  Angela
Urban Retreat Massage Therapy Halifax

Hi Jeff,
We are absolutely thrilled – Thank you.
Christine E. Yardley V.P. North America
Binders Galore | Custom Promotions Galore Toronto

Dear Jeff,
I just wanted to let you know that we are super pleased with the service,
and he we have received a ton of compliments about the Smiledog receptionists.
If you need me to I would gladly write a testimonial if need be for your website!
The Nightingale Company / Toronto / Los Angeles

Hi, Jeff, Brittany, Tanya, Leah, Christie, Amy & Debi
I just wanted to say that I think you are all doing a fantastic job with handling my calls. You are all very professional and thorough.
I really appreciate that you are open to learning and getting feedback along the way so that we can manage the calls effectively.
Thanks again.
Robbie Spier Miller, MA, CH / Burlington Hypnosis Centre

Hi Jeff,
A quick note to let you know how happy I am with your service... your
staff are incredibly helpful to me and I have received good feedback
from my patients...
I have had a ton of changes and developments as the web has gone up
etc and your staff have accommodated every need. Please pass along my
sincere thanks to all of them... choosing Smiledog was one of the best
decisions I have made so far in starting my clinic.

Have a great day!
Mike Sangster / Health Skills Physio

Thanks Jeff,
I am very happy with the quality of service from your employees and company in general. I've passed your
name to several business owners. Great service deserves great recognition! 
Dr Brent MacNeil / Balance Chiropractic

Hi Jeff,
First off, I want to say that Kevin and I are very happy with the
performance of your team in terms of professionalism and the level of detail
that we receive in terms of emails after they speak to customers.
Niagara Faucets / Toronto

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

SmileGals Surprise the Topdog!!

In our first two photographs, "Cake" and "Sugary Smiledog", we see the beautiful cake presented to Mister Jeffrey on his birthday, baked by Debi's daughter, the very talented Deidre Manning. A delightful creation of playful whimsy, this cake boasted top quality and artistic flare. From the identical matching of the Smiledog logo colors, to the beautifully hand crafted Smiledog cake topper complete with telephonic headset, this cake was truly a thing of beauty. 

How sad that in our next photo, "Smile or the Dog Gets it", we see the evil Mister Jeffrey threatening to decapitate the innocent canine cake topper unless everyone promises to let him have the entire cake to himself. In the background, we can clearly see Amy, overcome with grief.
Next up we have "Photo Finish", in which Mister Jeffrey can be seen proudly snapping pictures of his cake. Although he has been told he must share the cake with everyone, his smile is large, as he has secretly decided to swap out the cake's chocolate interior with potato salad before serving it.

In our next photo, "Making a Wish", Mister Jeffrey excitedly blows out his candles, asking for the same thing he does each year...a visit from the Hair Club for Men Fairy.  Maybe this is your year, Mister Jeffrey!
Next, we have "Cut it, Don't Stab it!", in which we can see Mister Jeffrey being confused as to how exactly he should start dividing his cake. Debi was helpful enough to show him that the cake should be cut into even pieces, and not repeatedly stabbed with wild abandon. 
In our next photo, "Cutting the Cake", we see him proudly demonstrating his new skills. Off to the right, though, poor Debi sits in despair, as Mister Jeff has just whispered in her ear that he plans to eat her share of cake while she takes a New Patient call.
Next, we have "Welcome, Don't eat my Cake!", in which Mister Jeff can be seen shaking the hand of a fellow business colleague in the building. What seems like a friendly gesture is actually Mister Jeffrey attempting to establish himself as the Alpha Male, running interference between the newcomer and the cake. Mister Jeffrey makes it very clear with a series of complicated hand gestures and shooing motions, that the newcomer is welcome to enjoy some potato salad, but no dessert.
Moving on to gifts, we can see in our next photo, "OMG, You Shouldn't Have!", it is very clear that Mister Jeff is moved beyond words at the time and effort rendered by the office in order to present him with a lovely and artistic framed photograph of all his employees. It can plainly be seen that he is very touched by the planning and coordination of efforts involved in arranging for this thoughtful present.

Immediately afterward though, in "Wait, Where's my Sports Car!?" we see the expression on Mister Jeffrey's face when it dawns on him that the staff portrait is the ONLY present he is getting. Perhaps next year we might see a revision of staff salaries?
In our next photo, "Devil Says Grace", we see Mister Jeff attempting to deliver a blessing over the beautiful and sumptuous buffet of homemade culinary delights, prepared entirely by Debi.  As Jeff enthusiastically clasps his hands over the food and starts to forget the words, Joan laughs hysterically, reminding him of the last time he attended church, when they made him sit at the back after he was caught stealing from the collection basket. Just kidding!!
Finally, after all of the fanfare, and the gift opening...after the buffet was ravaged and the cake was wrestled from Jeff's arms and shared throughout the office...we see, in our last photo, "Cake Lust" that Mister Jeffrey does realize... on your birthday, you CAN have your cake, and eat it too.
 Here's to you, Jeffrey Doyle. Hope you had as much fun celebrating your 29th with us as we had while preparing and putting it on for you. Who knows what the big 30 will bring, but if we might make a suggestion? Next year, wear a helmet.

With love and mischief
"Your Smile Gals"

Blog & Photos by SmileGal "Christie" 

See Christie in background of "Cake Lust"  

Monday, April 30, 2012


We have been truly blessed at Smiledog this spring. We have many new clients who have found our virtual receptionist / answering service to be an excellent addition to their businesses.

I am including a few of the testimonials we have received this month. These testimonials are the fuel for our business and they are greatly appreciated by everyone. Yea Ha! Everyone loves a compliment.
We also received some great Gifts on ADMINISTRATIVE PROFESSIONAL DAY
Thanks so much!!!

Matt from The Nightingale Company just called.

He just wanted to let you know that he is super pleased with the service,
and has received a ton of compliments about us today, and he said he would
gladly write a testimonial if need be for the website!
The Nightingale Company, Film Industry Toronto

Dr Korbin.
It is so rare that you deal with a service company and have absolutely no complaints.
Please use my name anytime as a reference and thanks so much for the great service.
Dr Ilene Korbin,. Florida

Hi, Jeff, Brittany, Tanya, Leah, Christie, Amy & Debi
I just wanted to say that I think you are all doing a fantastic job with handling my calls. You are all very professional and thorough.
I really appreciate that you are open to learning and getting feedback along the way so that we can manage the calls effectively. I think you are all doing an awesome job with the phone.Thanks again. With best regards,
Robbie Spier Miller, MA, CH / Burlington Hypnosis Centre

Allow me to thank you and your excellent staff for the fine service you provided these past few years. I received many compliments on the quality of the reception service in my office and I had to confess to callers that it was your service and your staff deserving of the praise and not me. The gals who answered my phones these past years were all professional, competent, friendly in some not so friendly situations, and they earned their salary. Thank you for that. It is testimony to your good leadership.
Immigration Lawyer, Halifax

Jeff, The ladies are doing an excellent job. I already have customers commenting on our "new" receptionist phone skills and wanting to meet her.
NailSense Toronto’s Best Nail Salon, Toronto

Hi Jeff, A quick note to let you know how happy I am with your service... your
staff are incredibly helpful to me and I have received good feedback from my patients...
I have had a ton of changes and developments as the web has gone up etc and your staff have accommodated every need. Please pass along my sincere thanks to all of them... choosing Smiledog was one of the best decisions I have made so far in starting my clinic.
Mike Sangster, HealthSkills Physio, Halifax

That was a great msg thanks Tanya we will call her. You are doing a great job!
NF Massage Therapy, Niagara Falls Ont.

I am very happy with the quality of service from your employees and company in general.
I've passed your name on to several business owners.
Great service deserves recognition!

Hi Jeff,
First off, I want to say that Kevin and I are very happy with the
performance of your team in terms of professionalism and the level of detail
that we receive in terms of emails after they speak to customers.
Niagara Faucets Ontario

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Smile-Gals Receive Customer Service Awards

                                                            SMILE-GAL AWARDS

Every Virtual Receptionist / Answering Service Company is only as good as their front line receptionists.
                              SMILE-GAL CUSTOMER SERVICE AWARDS 2011

Smiledog has been blessed with great people who care about their job and work together to deliver the Smiles and service for our clients

Smildog's receptionists answer thousands of phone calls every year.  As the owner I hear everyday the effort and skill it takes to help frustrated customers. This skill is really an incredible talent that often goes on noticed by customers.

All of Smiledog's receptionists are exceptional and they all care about our customers and the success of Smiledog.

This year we wanted to give a special award for loyalty, team work and dedication.

Tanya Reid received her Smile-Gal award for her loyalty and dedication to Smiledog and great customer service. Tanya has been with Smiledog the longest of any of our receptionists and consistently impress our clients with great service. Tanya has worked every shift and always available to help out when we need her.  Tanya is our go to project Gal. She loves projects and does a fantastic job when assigned.  Thanks Tanya for a job well done.

Debi Barkhouse received her Smile-Gal award for her team work and great customer service. Debbie filled more shifts and helped out more than anyone when we were in a pinch. She also makes a great banana bread. Thanks Debbie for helping out so much and making everyone feel at home.

Brittany Gilday received her Smile-Gal award for being AMAZING. Everyone know that Brittany is the go to Smile-Gal. We could not survive without her.
She has a photographic memory, gets all the daily tasks done before you ask and is a true Smile-Gal Star. She also keeps us up to-date on our daily horoscope.

Of course all the receptionists at Smiledog do a fantastic job and they all deserve awards every day.  

I would like to give a special thanks to Chantel, Christie, Leah and Joan who  

"Get er done" everyday. 

Thanks so much for being Grrrrreat!!! Smile-Gals