Tuesday, July 31, 2012

SmileGals Surprise the Topdog!!

In our first two photographs, "Cake" and "Sugary Smiledog", we see the beautiful cake presented to Mister Jeffrey on his birthday, baked by Debi's daughter, the very talented Deidre Manning. A delightful creation of playful whimsy, this cake boasted top quality and artistic flare. From the identical matching of the Smiledog logo colors, to the beautifully hand crafted Smiledog cake topper complete with telephonic headset, this cake was truly a thing of beauty. 

How sad that in our next photo, "Smile or the Dog Gets it", we see the evil Mister Jeffrey threatening to decapitate the innocent canine cake topper unless everyone promises to let him have the entire cake to himself. In the background, we can clearly see Amy, overcome with grief.
Next up we have "Photo Finish", in which Mister Jeffrey can be seen proudly snapping pictures of his cake. Although he has been told he must share the cake with everyone, his smile is large, as he has secretly decided to swap out the cake's chocolate interior with potato salad before serving it.

In our next photo, "Making a Wish", Mister Jeffrey excitedly blows out his candles, asking for the same thing he does each year...a visit from the Hair Club for Men Fairy.  Maybe this is your year, Mister Jeffrey!
Next, we have "Cut it, Don't Stab it!", in which we can see Mister Jeffrey being confused as to how exactly he should start dividing his cake. Debi was helpful enough to show him that the cake should be cut into even pieces, and not repeatedly stabbed with wild abandon. 
In our next photo, "Cutting the Cake", we see him proudly demonstrating his new skills. Off to the right, though, poor Debi sits in despair, as Mister Jeff has just whispered in her ear that he plans to eat her share of cake while she takes a New Patient call.
Next, we have "Welcome, Don't eat my Cake!", in which Mister Jeff can be seen shaking the hand of a fellow business colleague in the building. What seems like a friendly gesture is actually Mister Jeffrey attempting to establish himself as the Alpha Male, running interference between the newcomer and the cake. Mister Jeffrey makes it very clear with a series of complicated hand gestures and shooing motions, that the newcomer is welcome to enjoy some potato salad, but no dessert.
Moving on to gifts, we can see in our next photo, "OMG, You Shouldn't Have!", it is very clear that Mister Jeff is moved beyond words at the time and effort rendered by the office in order to present him with a lovely and artistic framed photograph of all his employees. It can plainly be seen that he is very touched by the planning and coordination of efforts involved in arranging for this thoughtful present.

Immediately afterward though, in "Wait, Where's my Sports Car!?" we see the expression on Mister Jeffrey's face when it dawns on him that the staff portrait is the ONLY present he is getting. Perhaps next year we might see a revision of staff salaries?
In our next photo, "Devil Says Grace", we see Mister Jeff attempting to deliver a blessing over the beautiful and sumptuous buffet of homemade culinary delights, prepared entirely by Debi.  As Jeff enthusiastically clasps his hands over the food and starts to forget the words, Joan laughs hysterically, reminding him of the last time he attended church, when they made him sit at the back after he was caught stealing from the collection basket. Just kidding!!
Finally, after all of the fanfare, and the gift opening...after the buffet was ravaged and the cake was wrestled from Jeff's arms and shared throughout the office...we see, in our last photo, "Cake Lust" that Mister Jeffrey does realize... on your birthday, you CAN have your cake, and eat it too.
 Here's to you, Jeffrey Doyle. Hope you had as much fun celebrating your 29th with us as we had while preparing and putting it on for you. Who knows what the big 30 will bring, but if we might make a suggestion? Next year, wear a helmet.

With love and mischief
"Your Smile Gals"

Blog & Photos by SmileGal "Christie" 

See Christie in background of "Cake Lust"